WW2 SAAF related photograph collections obtained from veterans, family members and museums.
Please select the specific album to enter:
Michael Welchman: 40 squadron, North Africa 1941-1943
Bruce Rose-Christie: 1 sqdn 1942-1944, North Africa, Italy
Colin Sinclair's photographs, 1 sqdn 1942, 11 sqdn 1944-1945
Denis Taylor's photographs, 10 sqdn 1944, 4 sqdn 1944-1945
Ian Sturgeon's photographs, 40 sqdn 1941-944
Peter During's photographs, 10 sqdn 1944, 7 sqdn 1944-1945
Ernest "Ernie" Weddell's photographs, 16 squadron pilot, 1944-1945
Wilbur "Wannie" Wannenburg, 34 Squadron Air Gunner on Liberators, Italy1944-1945
Cpl. Ralph Harding
Air Mechanic
North Africa 24 Bomber squadron 1942-1943
Italy, SAAF 40 Recconnaissance squadron, 1944-1945
Bob Kershaw
Fighter pilot
East Africa 1940-1941, 3 Squadron
North Africa 1941-1942, 1 Squadron
North Africa 1942, 2 Squadron
North Africa 1943, 7 Squadron
Italy 1944-45, 7 Squadron
Jack Mossop
Bomber pilot
East Africa 1940-1941, 16 Squadron
North Africa 1942, 24 Squadron
North Africa 1943 SAAF 3 Wing
Italy 1943-1945 SAAF 3 Wing