Owen McCarthy Photographs





3) School photograph: Owen in front on the right.








7) Looks like Cairo, Owen on the left


8) In the Desert, note the  Squadron vehicle with the 5 squadron "GL" code painted on the door. 


9) Pilots mocking with the Nazi regime,


10) In Italy, note ribbon of the Africa star under his wings.


11) Unidentified 5 squadron member.




13) Squadron pilots with special lunch, could be the 1942 Christmas lunch or maybe end-of-Africa campaign lunch. Owen second from left.


14) Same group at the same lunch venue


15) In the desert, note Bofors AA gun.


16) Squadron desert ops base camp: note dispersed tents and vehicles.


17) Owen in a jeep.




19) Unidentified pilot


20) Unidentified pilot


21) Unidentified pilot


22) Unidentified pilots/staff


23) Unidentified pilot


24) Unidentified pilot


25) Unidentified pilots


26) Unidentified pilots


 27) Unidentified pilots/staff

28) Most probably the grave of former 5 squadron OC: Dennis  Lacey, DFC, shot down and killed on 7/8/1942, buried next to the Tomahawk wreck.


29) Most probably the grave of former 5 squadron OC: Lacey


30) Dust storm


31) Unidentified staff


32) Owen in the desert


33) Dust storm


34) Dust storm


35) Crashed MC 202


36) Stuka


37) 5 Squadron's captured Me 109


38) Crashed MC 202


39)  5 Squadron's Me 109

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